Can you actually save money on insurance so you can spend your money on something you enjoy? why yes.
Finding "Bargains"
There aren't too many bargains in the world of insurance. But, it is important to consider what you are buying and why. For example:
- Maybe you began funding a Whole Life policy many years ago before you were married and with kids and your current mortgage. If you really need to protect your family with income and debt replacement maybe you shouldn't be spending as many dollars on a whole life or variable life insurance policy. You might be able to take all of the accumulated cash from the Whole Life plan and invest it in more aggressive growth portfolios for retirement purposes. In addition, for significantly less money, you might be able to secure 2-3 times as much death benefit via a term life insurance policy. This would save money in premiums and come up with new found investable assets
- Perhaps you have an old Universal Life policy that was written when interest rates were much higher than they are today. As rates have come down your cash value has also decreased as has the length that your death benefit might last. An option might be to move the remaining cash from the existing plan to a newer type of Universal Life policy and despite current age pricing, you might be able to extend the coverage period and have a lower premium than you've been paying all along.and, the newer plans can guarantee that your benefits will remain in force for life.this is truly a no-brainer!