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Can you actually save money on insurance so you can spend your money on something you enjoy? why yes.

Group Plans

We are all interested in saving money where possible. One area to look at is your current Health Insurance. With Health plans, you have different deductibles and co-payment structures. If you increase your out of pocket exposure you remove the risk to the insurance company and thus your actual insurance costs come down. Depending upon your personal or family needs you might find some savings in your health plan that would allow you to move money into bulking up other programs.

You should also take a look at your Life Insurance offering through your employer. While most of this is provided for you at no expense, too often people will simply check the box that allows you to purchase more through the group program. Because it is easy to do this and there is no medical review (most of the time) people will just "check and sign." But, these group term life plans are extremely expensive compared to an individually purchased Term Life policy.there could be a real cost savings here and a major benefit increase at the same time.

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Mensh Insurance is excited about our partnership with Extend Health, a leading Medicare Supplement provider throughout the country. As you know, Mensh insurance specializes in Disability, Long Term Care and Life Insurance. We bring the best products to our clients in those product areas and via this partnership with Extend Health, we can now do the same in the Medicare Supplement arena. By clicking on this link you are leaving MenshInsurance.com and now moving to Extendhealth.com. Thanks for visiting!